He suggests... that one can LIVE the connection between our external and internal worlds via Yama i.e. how we conduct ourselves externally and Niyama i.e how we connect internally AS 1. They can in fact serve as reinforcement for one another:
Five Yama's
Ahimsa _ compassion for all living beings/non-violence/non-killing
Satya _ truthfulness
Asteya _ non stealing
Bramacharya _ sense control/continence
Aparigraha _ non-covetousness
Five Niyama's
Sauca _ purity/cleanliness
Santosha _ contentment
Tapas _ disciplined use of energy
Svadyaya _ self/scripture study
Isvaraparidhana _ celebration of the soul/ surrender to God
It is the practice of the Yama's which lead to the practice of Niyama's and practicing the Niyama's reinforces the Yama's. Therefore Dharmananda interprets them as 1. Join us at Virgin Active Victory Park every Friday 8:15am till 9:45am...